Our constitution and Leadership
1.1 The organization hereby constituted will be called CAPE MOUNTAIN HOMELESS SHELTER
1.2 Its shortened name will be CMHS Hereinafter referred to as the organization.
The organization shall:
– Exist in its own right, separately from its members.
– Continue to exist even when its membership changes and there are different office bearers.
– Be able to own property and other possession.
– Be able to sue and be sued in its own name.
a/ The organization’s main objectives are to :
- To provide a roof, a meal, clothes for the homeless-fixed,
• To ensure proper housing for families who are badly housed and in difficulty,
• To develop all forms of integration in the respect of human dignity,
• To fight against all the ethnic, economic, social exclusions, and, in general, to relieve all the physical and moral miseries of the most disinherited.
• To alert the general public and the public authorities to the world of the most disinherited the duration of the organization is unlimited it has its headquarters in CAPE TOWN.
To assure that the NPO has the means of action of the organization consist, among others and without any limitation:
• Established and managed emergency foster homes
• To create and manage accommodation and insertion centers
• To create and manage schools with more qualified training
• To create and manage a football school for young people.
• To develop, to repair, to build lodgings for the badly housed families, in collaboration with specialized structures and the social accompaniment of all people in difficulty, in particular the homeless, the young people, the orphans and the abandoned of AIDS.
- To promote all actions for socio-educational purposes: school support, leisure center, holiday centers. CAPE MOUNTAIN HOMELESS SHELTER helps people isolated-men or women and families in great difficulty, the realities and multiple sufferings:
- beaten women, isolated homes suffering psychic suffering see Psychiatric, long-term unemployed, young people wandering, family’s single parents with very young children, migrants with or without paper.
• The CAPE MOUNTAIN HOMELESS SHELTER resume in his motto are more than never again:
• They are achieved by setting up a set of devices that are so much answer.
• Adapted to allow each person welcomed – the Passengers rebuild and find its place in our society.
• It offers solutions for emergency housing and integration, day care, hygiene, social support and insertion assistance professional.
. Rules and regulation the center to be adhered to the passengers.
. Center manager to explain the regulation, terms and conditions.
b/ The organization’s secondary objectives will be to:
. Work in collaboration with other organization that dials with the same objectives
. Work in collaboration with the hospital
4.1 The Office Bearers will oversee the organization. The Office Bearers will be made up of not less than six members. They are the Board of governance of the organization.
4.2 Term of office: Office bearers will serve for a period of one year’s which has been agreed to by the general membership at an AGM, and which shall not be exceeding three years. They can, however, stand for re-election for another term in office again and again after that, for so long as their services are needed and they are ready to give their service.
4.3 Vacancies: The Office Bearers must, as soon as reasonably possible, appoint someone to fill any vacancy that reduced the number of Office Bearers.
4.4 Resignation: An Office Bearer may resign from office in writing.
4.5 Disqualification or Removal If an Office Bearer does not attend three meetings in a row, without having applied for and obtaining leave of absence from the Board, then the Board will find a new member to take that person’s place.
5.1 The Board shall carry the powers of the organization and they shall manage the affairs of the organization in accordance with the resolutions of the members as shall be taken from time to at General Meetings of the organization.
5.2 The Board is responsible for making decisions and acting on such decisions, which it believes it needs to make in order to achieve the objectives of the organization as stated in point number 2 of this constitution. However, such decisions and their activities may not be against the resolutions of the members or against the law of the Republic of South Africa.
5.3 The Board shall have the general powers and authority to:
5.3.1 raise funds or invite and receive contributions.
5.3.2 buy, hire or exchange for any property that it needs to achieve its objectives.
5.3.3 make by-laws for proper governance and management of the organization.
5.3.4 form sub-committed as and when it is necessary for proper functioning of the organization.
5.4 If the board thinks it is necessary, then it can decide to set up one more sub-committees. It may decide to do this to get some work done quickly. Or it may want a sub-committee to do an inquiry, for example
5.5 The Board may delegate any of its powers or functions to a sub-committee provided that:-
5.5.1 such delegation and conditions are reflected in the minutes for a meeting
5.5.2 at least one Office Bearer serves in the sub-committee.
5.5.3 there are three or more people on a sub-committee.
5.5.4 the sub-committee must regularly report back to the Board on is activities.
5.6 The Board must in advance approve all expenditure incurred by the sub-committee and may revoke the delegation or amend the conditions of the delegation
1.1 Stakeholders of the organization must attend its annual general meetings.
1.2 The purpose of an Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to: – report back to stakeholders from the Office Bearers on the achievements and work of over the year.
1.3 The organization should deal with the following business, amongst others, at its annual general meeting: – Agree to the items to be discussed on the agenda.
– Write down who is there and who has sent apologies because they cannot attend.
– Read and confirm the previous meeting’s minutes with matters arising.
– Chairperson’s report.
– Treasurer’s report.
– Changes to the constitution that members may want to make.
– Elect new office bearers.
– General.
– Close the meeting.
6.2 Special General Meetings
6.2.1 The Special General Meeting (SGM) or any other special meeting is held outside of the normal or regular meetings.
6.2.2 Special or extraordinary meetings can take the shape of an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or any ordinary meeting of members.
6.2.3 The Board or not less than one-third of the members may call a Special General Meeting of the organization.
6.2.4 Special meetings may be called when the Board needs the mandated or guidance of the general members of the organization to take up issues that require urgent attention and cannot wait until the next regular (AGM) or ordinary meeting.
6.3 Ordinary Meetings
6.3.1 Ordinary member meetings are conducted to complete a standard order of business of the organization. These are held once a quarter and are attended by the board.
6.3.2 The meetings of the Board will be held at least once a quarter or when a need arises from time to time to conduct the business of the board.
6.4 Notices of Meetings
6.4.1 The Chairperson of the Board shall convene meetings. The Secretary must let all Board members know the date of the proposed meeting within a reasonable time, but not less than seven (7) days, before it is due to take place.
6.4.2 H o w e v e r, when convening an AGM, or a Special General Meeting, all members of the organization must be informed of the meeting no less than fourteen (14) days before such a meeting.
6.4.3 Notices for all meetings provided for in this constitution must be given to relevant members in writing, either personally, by post, or electronic communication or whichever manner it is convenient, to the address or other similar particulars provided by the members.
6.4.4 T h e notices for all meetings must indicate the reasons for the meeting and the matters that will be discussed in the meeting.
6.4.5 For confirmation of delivery, all notices sent to members at the latest known contact details shall be deemed to have been duly served on members unless it can be proven otherwise.
6.4.6 A l l members present in person at any meeting shall be deemed to have received notice of meeting.
6.5 Quorums
6.4.7 Quorums for all meetings of the organization shall be a simple majority [50% + 1] of relevant members who are expected to attend.
6.4.8 However, for the purpose of considering changes to this constitution, or the dissolution of the organization, then a two-thirds [2/3] of the members shall be present at a meeting to make a quorum before a decision to change the constitution is taken.
6.4.9 A l l meetings of the organization must reach a quorum before they can start.
6.4.10 If, however, a quorum is not present within fifteen minutes of the appointed time of the meeting, the meeting must be adjourned or postponed to another date, within fourteen days thereafter.
6.4.11 If no quorum is present at the reconvened meeting within fifteen minutes of the appointed time, the members present shall be regarded to make up a quorum for that meeting, and the meeting will continue as if a quorum is present
6.6 Procedure at Meetings
6.4.12 The board may regulate its meetings and proceedings as it deems fit, subject to the following:
That the Chairperson shall chair all meetings of the organization, including that of the board.
That, if the Chairperson is not present, the Vice-Chairperson shall chair such eating.
In the event both are absent, the Board members ore sent at the meeting shall elect a chairperson for that meeting.
6.7 Making decisions in meetings
6.4.13 Where possible, the decisions of the organizations shall be taken by consensus. However, when there is no consensus then members will discuss for a while and then call for a vote.
6.4.14 All votes shall be counted and the majority votes on issues shall be regarded as the decision of the meeting
6.4.15 However, if opposing votes are equal on an issue, then the chairperson in that meeting has either a second or a deciding vote.
6.4.16 All members must abide by the majority decision
6.4.17 Decision concerning changes to this constitution, or of dissolution and closing down of the organization, shall only be dealt with in terms of clauses 9 and 10 of this constitution.
6.8 Records of meetings
6.4.18 Proper minutes and attendance records must be kept for all meetings of the organization.
6.4.19 The minutes shall be confirmed as a true record of proceedings by the next meeting of the Board, or of general members as the case may be, and shall thereafter be signed by the chairperson.
6.4.20 Minutes shall thereafter be kept safely and always be on hand for members to consult.
7.1 The organization will keep a record of everything it owns.
7.2 The organization may not give any of its money or property to its members or the Board. The only time it can do this is when it pays for work that an Office Bearers or member has done for the organization. The payment must be a reasonable amount for the work that has been done.
7.3 the board or a member of the organization can only get money back from the organization for expenses that she or he paid for on behalf of the organization, and for which authorization has been granted.
7.4 The Board or members of the organization do not have rights over things that belong to the organization.
8.1 Bank Account: The Board must open a bank account in the name of the organization with a registered Bank.
8.2 Signing: Cheques and other documents requiring a signature on behalf of the organization shall be signed by at least two persons authorized by the Board. Whenever funds are taken out of the bank account, the chairperson and at least two other members of the organization must sign the withdrawal or cheque.
8.3 Financial year-end: The financial year-end of the Organization shall be the end of 28 February each year.
8.4 Financial Report: The Board must ensure that proper records and books of account which reflect the affairs of the organization are kept, and within six months of its financial year a report is compiled by an independent registered Accounting Officer stating whether or not the financial statements of the organization are consistent with its accounting policies and practices of the organization.
8.5 The Treasurer is responsible for making sure that the money of the organization is safe and is accounted for
8.6 The Treasurer must also make regular reports to the Board on the finances of the organization, which should include all incomes, expenditures, and balances that remain according to accounting practices of the organization.
8.7 If the organization has funds that can be invested, the funds may only be invested with registered financial institutions. These institutions are listed in Section 1 of the Financial Institutions [Investment of Funds] Act, 1984, or as shall be amended. Or the organization can get securities that are listed on a licensed stock exchange as set out in the Stock Exchange Control Act, 1985 [as amended]. The organization can go to different Banks to see advice on the best way to look after its funds.
9.1 The constitution can only be changed by a resolution. The resolution has to be agreed upon and passed by not less than two-thirds (2/3) (or at least 67%) of the members who are at the annual general meeting or special general meeting. Members must vote at this meeting to change the constitution.
9.2 For the purpose of considering changes to this constitution, two-thirds (2/3) of the members shall be present at a meeting to make a quorum before a decision to change the constitution is taken. Any annual general meeting may vote upon such a motion if the details of the changes are set out in the notice referred to in clause 6 of this constitution.
9.3 As provided for in clause 6, written notices must go out not less than fourteen (14) days before the meeting at which the changes to the constitution are going to be proposed. The notice must indicate the proposed changes to the constitution that will be discussed at the meeting.
9.4 No amendments may be made which would cause the organization to close down or stop to function or die away.
10.1 The organization may dissolve or close down if at least two third s (2/3) of the members present and voting at a meeting convened for the purpose of considering such matter are in favor of closing down.
10.2 When the organization closes down it has to pay off all its debts. After doing this, if there is property or money left over it should not be paid or give to members of the organization. It should be given in some way to another non-profit organization that has similar objectives. The organization’s general meeting can decide what organization this should be.
This constitution was approved and accepted by members of Cape Mountain Homeless Shelter at special [general] meeting held on 23/11/2019
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E-mail: ngakayilujoe@yahoo.fr
Intentional Relation
Vice President
Firenames: MPAKA
Surname: JEAN
First names: BUKELWA
Surname: BULAWA
First names: NURAAN
Surname: NURAAN
E-mail: nuraan@cmhs.org.za
Public relation
First names: MATONDO NGOMA
Surname: BENIR